Two leftwing Italian politicians who
are a romantic couple have decided to sell their Tesa because,
they reportedly said, they bought it "before Elon Musk became a
Nazi", Italian dailies reported Thursday.
Italian Left (SI) leader Nicola Fratoianni and his partner and
fellow SI MP Elisabetta Piccolotti have not denied saying this.
But Piccolotti has responded to criticism after she allegedly
said "it only cost 47,000 euros", a far cry form what most of
the party's voters could ever afford.
Speaking to reporters Thursday, she said "I only meant that
there were a lot of other similar options that cost a lot more".
X, SpaceX and Tesla owner Musk, the world's richest man and
Donald Trump's government cost-cutter in chief, allegedly gave a
Nazi salute at a ceremony following the US president's
inauguration, although he has denied performing the gesture.
photo: Fratoianni