Unmotivated protectionism will damage
Italy, President Sergio Mattarella said Saturday.
"New clouds seem to be gathering on the horizon, bringing
unmotivated protectionism, closure of markets with an
incomprehensibly autarchic flavour, which would significantly
damage sectors of excellence such as wine and oil", said
Mattarella speaking at the 44th Forum of the culture of oil and
wine of the Italian Sommelier Foundation underway in Rome.
Mattarella added that counterposed markets led to serious
"Trade and interdependence are elements that guarantee peace,"
the president said.
"In history, the opposition between hostile markets has led to
other more serious forms of conflict.
"Open markets produce a dense network of collaborations that, in
the common interest, protect peace", he said.
Mattarella also said that the future cannot be built by living
off nostalgia.
"You have been able to get together, measure yourselves with the
growing international dimension, without fear of markets that
were previously unknown and in which, today, Italian products
are leaders.," said the Italian president.
"The future is not built by living on nostalgia.
"It would also apply to gratuitous temptations of food
nostalgia: today foods are certainly healthier and more
controlled than in the past".