Premier Giorgia Meloni on Monday said
the fact that her government was pursuing the right strategy in
its fight against the mafia was further confirmed by wiretapped
conversations published by Rome daily La Repubblica in which
criminal bosses reportedly complained that she had not eased
measures including the life term without benefits and the 41 bis
prison regime providing for near-total isolation reserved for
mafia bosses and other offenders deemed to be highly dangerous.
"I read the wiretaps published by La Repubblica in which some
bosses attack me and the Italian Government for not easing hard
prison for members of the mafia", the premier wrote on Facebook.
Meloni said this was "further confirmation that we are on the
right track.
"Our commitment in the fight against the mafia is total", she
"The 41 bis and life term without benefits remain essential
"No yielding until we will govern Italy", wrote Meloni.
Both prison regimes were introduced in the early 1990s with the
aim of fighting organized crime amid a spate in mafia attacks
and bombings.