Premier Giorgia Meloni on Tuesday
said the European Union needed to become more effective in
repatriating illegal migrants, briefing the Senate ahead of a
European Council this week.
"We have welcomed with favour the European Commission's proposal
on a regulation for repatriations, we consider it a very
significant development also to harmonize the practice of
different member States and to make repatriations more
effective", said the premier.
Meloni noted that, "if you enter Europe illegally, you cannot
remain on European territory illegally, you must be
The prime minister told the Senate that the government's
objective was a "drastic reduction of landings in the central
Mediterranean thanks to a decrease in departures from Tunisia
and Libya and a reduction of irregular entries also from other
"In 2024 they have gone down by 60% from 2023 and by 35% with
respect to 2022", the premier said.