More managers under 35 years of age
lead innovative startups in northern Italy while female business
leaders are in proportion more relevant in the South, according
to a 2024 survey on innovative startups in different
geographical areas of Italy published by the Tagliacarne centre
of studies and Unioncamere on Thursday.
The poll found that under-35s lead 17.2% of innovative startups
in the North, with the northwestern Piedmont region at the top
of the standings with 23.2%, against the national average of
16.9%, also recorded in the Centre, and 16.4% in the South.
However, the survey found that the situation was completely
different when it came to women leading such companies with the
South registering the highest number at the helm of innovative
startups, or 15.8%, with Molise topping the chart with 27.5%,
followed by the Centre (15.1%) and North (11.8%).
The secretary general of Unioncamere, Giuseppe Tripoli, said the
"12,000 existing startups place Italy in fourth position in
Europe", although there is room for improvement, "starting with
the participation of women which is still not very relevant and
must be further encouraged".
In addition, he said, among existing startups only 6.6% of
companies reported revenues or a share capital of more than one
million euros between 2019 and 2023.
The percentage is a little higher (12.6%) for startups with a
patent in strategic technologies, noted Tripoli.
In absolute terms, a higher number of young business leaders and
women start-uppers was recorded in the North, which hosts over
half of innovative startups led by someone under 35 - 1,084 out
of 2,049 - and over one-third of those led by a woman - 745 out
of 1,648 - or more than 52% of the total.