2024 was the best year ever for Intesa
Sanpaolo, the CEO of Italy's biggest bank, Carlo Messina, said
after it posted bumper results Tuesday.
"We have more than achieved our objectives as we enter the final
year of our plan," he said during a conference call with
financial analysts.
"We have achieved the best year ever and we are ready to be a
bank with a net result well above 9 billion".
The bank does not need to make any acquisitions, Messina added.
"We are achieving excellent results even without acquisitions.
"We do not need acquisitions.
"I am proud of the results, our solid profitability places us at
the top of the world also in terms of social commitment".
"We have already distributed 24.6 billion to shareholders," he
added, "compared to the 22 billion foreseen in the plan".