Brussels has launched an infringement
procedure against Italy for the failure to correctly transpose
the Landfill Directive, which establishes the requirements to
prevent negative effects of waste on human health and the
environment, the European Commission said Wednesday.
Italy, explained the EC in a note, has not correctly defined
that waste subjected to incineration must be reported as
disposed of in landfill; the type of waste that can be sent to a
landfill for hazardous waste; and the specifications for the
temporary storage of metallic mercury.
The procedure was also launched against France.
The Landfill Directive sets requirements for landfills to
prevent adverse effects on human health, water, soil and air.
Under this Directive, Member States must take measures to ensure
that only waste that has been subject to treatment is
The Landfill Directive fixes a target to reduce landfilling of
municipal waste to 10% by 2035; prohibits as of 2030 the
landfilling of waste suitable for recycling or other recovery;
and sets rules on calculating the completion of the landfill
reduction target.
Italy, amongst others, did not correctly define (i) that the
waste subjected to incineration must be reported as landfilled;
(ii) the type of waste that can be sent to a hazardous waste
landfill; and (iii) the specifications for the temporary storage
of metallic mercury. Moreover, Italy did not correctly transpose
some of the prescriptions concerning gas monitoring and
groundwater sampling in landfills.