President Sergio Mattarella on asked
whether the EU was content with a "happy vassalage" to
oligarchies and autocracies in a speech at Marseille University
in which he also said it was time to act and defend
international organs, stressing that the EU would not betray
freedom and democracy.
"Does Europe intend to be an object in international dispute,
an area in which others exercise their influence, or, instead,
to become a subject of international politics, in the
affirmation of the values ;;of its own civilization?," the
Italian head of State asked his audience of academics and
" Can it accept being crushed between oligarchies and
autocracies? With, at most, the prospect of a "happy vassalage".
Must we choose: to be "protected" or to be "protagonists"?
He went on:
"Today, as then (before the Second World War, ed.) , the field
of those who, considering international organizations
superfluous if not harmful to their own interests, are widening,
and are thinking of abandoning them.
"Whose interests? The citizens'? The peoples of the world's? It
does not appear that this is the case. The consequences of these
choices, history teaches us, are unfortunately already written.
It is time to act: remembering the lessons of history.
"International interlocutors must know that they have in Europe
a solid reference for policies of peace and common growth. A
guardian and a defender of the rights of the person, of
democracy, of the rule of law. Anyone who thinks that these
values ;;are defiable should know that, in the wake of its
precursors, Europe will not betray freedom and democracy".